Posts Tagged ‘stand by ready’

[figures]Fate Testarossa Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st

the long awaited Fate-chan of the movie version is finally here!! it would be released on 05 feb 2010~!





ahh i love this smile of hers~ kawaii!

seeing all these pic reminded me or how nanoha and fate met and how they fought! i remember what nanoha said when she first met fate “she had such beautiful hair yet lonely eyes”(something along these lines). now, she is not lonely anymore!~ as she know that many people will take her home=)

what are you still waiting for?! preorder fate now!

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha THE MOVIE 1st Fate Testarossa The MOVIE 1st Ver. / Figures & Dolls
released on 5.02.2010
Stand by Ready, SET UP!~
nanoha here~

[figures] Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha THE MOVIE 1ST – Nanoha Takamachi

Here it is!~MGLN THE MOVIE 1ST figurines….! Takamachi Nanoha~ STAND BY READY~.ahh….it sure bring back memories…..=D  here are the pics~enjoy~





after seeing this awesome figure,cant wait for Fate and the movie to be out!look forward to them~=D

Nanoha is  now available for pre-order @ CDJapan