Archive for the ‘Figures’ Category

Awesome Fate T.Harlaown in Sonic Form

Yeah i just receive this BIG Package this morning before i went for work, didn’t have time to play with it until now (which is night time) here’s the pics : )

The only problem that i have now with the figure is that i have space to place it ! ! ! i was gonna place inside my display cabinet .. but to find out actually my figure is too big too put it in … hmm maybe i would take out of the Riot Blade (left handed) that would solve it.. but it sure will look weird ya.. hmm guess is time i get a much bigger display cabinet…. well i got 3 more Fate figures coming in:

Fate in school uniform, Fate in nedo form and Fate in the 1st Movie.. (cant wait to get it on hands) : )

okok i am feeling sleepy now… before i go please watch the below video about nana mizuki, her expression was : ) when she receive news that she would be one of the performers for Kohaku.

ok i am going to sleep and rest … still not fully recover from my cold… sorry for some slow updates on nana

[figures]Fate Testarossa Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st

the long awaited Fate-chan of the movie version is finally here!! it would be released on 05 feb 2010~!





ahh i love this smile of hers~ kawaii!

seeing all these pic reminded me or how nanoha and fate met and how they fought! i remember what nanoha said when she first met fate “she had such beautiful hair yet lonely eyes”(something along these lines). now, she is not lonely anymore!~ as she know that many people will take her home=)

what are you still waiting for?! preorder fate now!

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha THE MOVIE 1st Fate Testarossa The MOVIE 1st Ver. / Figures & Dolls
released on 5.02.2010
Stand by Ready, SET UP!~
nanoha here~

Takamachi Nanoha The Movie 1st (MAX FACTORY)

More figures had been released! this time, is Takamachi Nanoha from the MOVIE 1st!

The main character from the upcoming ‘Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st’ is joining the figma collection, even before the movie releases!

Using the smooth yet poseable joints of figma, you can act out various scenes.
A flexible plastic is used for posable areas, allowing proportions to be kept, without compromising posability.
Her beloved magical device ‘Raging Heart’ is included in both ‘Device Mode’ as well as ‘Canon Mode’.
Yuno is also included in his ferret form. He can also climb onto Nanoha’s shoulder to recreate the popular pose.
A smiling face perfectly suited to Nanoha’s personality, as well as a shouting face for battle scenes are both included.
A poseable figma stand is included, which allows various poses to be taken.

*quoted from the website*

okay enough talking, and now,taa daa!~ Takamachi Nanoha









see, look how Fate and Nanoha look when they are together…they are really the best pair on earth!

preorder Nanoha @ Hobby Search

as for fate, i guess that we have to wait a while more~ but remember to preorder them!a must for nanoha series fan!

[Figures] Rosario + Vampire ~ Akashiya Moka & Kurono Kurumu Anthropometric Ver

here’s another 2 more figures from the Echi Anime Rosario + Vampire, now both Moka & Kurumu are dress in their sports attire

Akashiya Moka

Click Here to pre-order @ Hobby Japan

Kuruno Kurumu

Click Here to pre-order @ Hobby Japan

hmmm, i guess i might buy the Moka Figure : ) Moka-Sannnnnn
Both retail at 6,648yen but seems like that is a sales price at 6,315yen, huh just a mere discount of 333yen only ?? lol.

Moka will be release in Late Jan 2010 while kurumu will be in Feb 2010

[Figures] Takamamachi Nanoha & Fate T. Harlaown Wave ver

Here’s another 2 new Figures from the Hit Anime – Magicial Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS.

prepare yourself for nosebleeds~XD

Takamachi Nanoha
Nanoha Wave ver




Fate Testarossa Harlaown

Fate Wave ver



Preorders are up & available @ Hobby Search each retail at 3,610yen which is about $60 per figure

Takamachi Nanoha

Fate T.Harlaown


Takamachi Nanoha

Fate . Harlaown

[figures] Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha THE MOVIE 1ST – Nanoha Takamachi

Here it is!~MGLN THE MOVIE 1ST figurines….! Takamachi Nanoha~ STAND BY READY~.ahh….it sure bring back memories…..=D  here are the pics~enjoy~





after seeing this awesome figure,cant wait for Fate and the movie to be out!look forward to them~=D

Nanoha is  now available for pre-order @ CDJapan