Happy Birthday To Nana Mizuki

Today is a special day, cause today is where Nana Mizuki celebrates her 30th Birthday !

Happy Birthday to Nana Mizuki

Ahh, cant believe she has turn 30 time but yet the looks dont like 30 at all hmm she looks 17 🙂 counting by year i had been her fan for 5 years already since 2005. How i came to know nana? some might ask, i know her through ANime Naruto, was watching it cause many people was talking about it and so began watching the anime and come across this soft-spoken character with white eyes:

Hyuga Hinata

well i was rather amaze by her voice when she says: naruto-kun, then i did a check on the net and found this name – Nana Mizuki, back then i did’nt really pay much attention to her, back then a particular PV was causing a uproar over youtube, the PV was Eternal Blaze ! and so i watch it and was surprise that the one who voices the soft-spoken character in naruto can actually sing sooooo POWERful song.. i was amaze ! it is from that i do deep searching about her, starting to listen to her songs and the anime she voices, is then that i found out myself that i am already attracted to her 🙂 from that on i brought her concert DVDs and started watching the more i watch the more i like her 🙂 she’s a amazing singer. I told myself i MUST watch her LIVE concert at least once !


i am soo happy to attend her LIVE Fighter concert in 2008, the LIVE exp where she just flew out from the stage with the astrogation, i will never forget that very moment, cause throughout the concert i was cheering out for her, maybe i use abit too much energy to cheer, after day 1 of the concert my throat is argh ~ painful, in day 2 i did’nt really cheer much (sad to admit) cause my throat is very painful till the point i cant even talk. I return to singapore with a weaken body (i develop fever on board the plane an hour before landing ~ sucks) the next day went to see a doctor and well life returns back to normal (work~ zzz…) then i am starting thinking i should start to save for her next LIVE 🙂

LIVE Fever 2009 @ Budokan

In the beginning of the year 2009 i travel to japan again this time was Winter, attending nana’s LIVE FEVER tour @ budokan and i cant believe myself to attend 3 straight days in a row for nana’s live 🙂 at the point of time the weather was rather cold it was 2 deg when i first queue up for her goods on day 1, whats even amazing is that i dont even have a proper wear (i wore a simple windbreaker). I was more glad and happy cause the exp @ LIVE FEVER was more amazing then LIVE FIGHTER (cause i was not sick) in fact i have more energy that last me 3 days straight. *LIVE fever was the most costly concert for me till date

LIVE Diamond 2009 @ Seibu Dome

Hmm LIVE diamond was costly too ! but LIVE fever i still the costly trip that i had, Seibu dome is indeed really BIG, the moment i enter i was like woooo BIG.. *speechless. Unlike the previous 2 LIVEs i been seibu dome is sort of like a “open air” dome, well if you ask me, seibu dome’s not really a good place to held concerts cause of the “open” concept. If you had brought the Live Fever x Diamond DVD or BLuray you might have hear the echoes in the dome. Overall i really enjoy the 4 hours + LIve.

21st Single Phantom Minds

Well i still have not gotten my copy of phantom minds yet, is gonna ship together with my silent bible next month, but am soo happy to know that Nana Mizuki has broken another record her Phantom Minds top the oricon charts, thank you soo much for supporting nana by buying her singles, this would not have happen if not for you fans. and of course our lovely nana-chan.

Check out the PV here:

Happy Birthday Nana-Chan, may your 22nd Single Silent Bible Tops the Oricon Charts 🙂

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